How to Plant a Tree or Shrub

The simple act of planting a tree is a gift of nearly immeasurable value. A tree will add natural beauty and cool shade to your property, and life-giving oxygen to the planet. And if that weren't enough, a tree is a gift that can be enjoyed for generations to come. However, for a tree to survive long enough to reach full maturity, it must get a healthy head start with a proper planting.

Step 1: Dig a hole two times larger than the diameter of the ball or pot and 6" deeper.
Step 2: Fill extra depth of the hole with soil mixture and pack firmly.
Step 3: Check hold depth, the top of the rootball should be slightly above grade.
Step 4: If the tree is in a pot, remove the pot without disturbing the rootball.
Step 5: Place the tree in the hole and straighten.
Step 6: Backfill the hole 3/4 full with soil mixture.
Step 7: Fill the hole with water and wait for it to drain out. If the soil is extremely dry then repeat.
Step 8: Finish backfilling the hole with the soil mixture. Pack the soil lightly.
Step 9: The top of the rootball should be exposed. If the tree is planted too deeply, or the rootball is covered, then this will result in the death of the tree.
Step 10: Install tree stakes East and West and tighten the wires. Use an old garden hose to protect the tree trunk.
Step 11: Install fertilizer pills and spread 2-3" of bark mulch around the tree.
Step 12: Check the soil weekly around the newly planted tree. If the soil is wet then the tree does not need watered. If the soil is dry then the tree will require watering. Start with 5 gallons of water and pour in around the base of the tree slowly. Recheck the soil after watering and adjust the watering schedule as necessary. During periods of drought be sure to check the tree frequently.